Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hillary Clinton ahead of Bernie Sanders by 100% in the polls of NY and more delegates too!!!

The media may as well write the obituary with the poll data coming out of New York for Bernie Sanders. The funny thing is that poll data like that will cause an opposite effect. Because of the overwhelming suggestions that Hillary will win New York her voters will be more apt to stay home instead of going to the polls. I think the energy of the Bernie supporters will prove the polls wrong, but the polls themselves will cause exaggerate the demise of Hillary Clinton in New York.

This is largely opinion, but as far as the Swindle goes, unless Bernie Sanders can capture the popular vote and continue the momentum he has created, then there is not enough of an argument for him to gain more Super Delegates than Hillary Clinton.

The big question is whether or not the constant barrage of data regarding the Super Delegates and polls damages the enthusiasm of the potential supporters of Bernie Sanders. People want to be a part of a movement, but not a movement that has not chance of success. I have confidence in the potential success of the Bernie magic, but it's takes believing in the magic to overcome the bias and projections of eminent defeat.

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